Faculty Dean
Dr. Rogers Mwesigwa, PhD
Faculty of Business Administration
Tel: +256-774-371-250/704-884-730
Email: rmwesigwa@mubs.ac.ug
Dr. Rogers Mwesigwa is an Associate Professor in the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration, Makerere University Business School. He holds a PhD in project management, MBA (Accounting and finance) and BBA (accounting option) from Makerere University. He is also a certified Public Accountant. His PhD topic was “Stakeholder Management in Public Private Partnership Projects in Uganda”. He has been lecturing at MUBS for a period of over 18 years. He currently serves as Dean, Faculty of Business Administration, Makerere University Business School. Formerly, he served as Deputy Dean, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration for a period of three years from April 2019 – April 2022. He also served as acting Head of Department Business Administration and Communication. His teaching, consultancy and research interests include; stakeholder management, pubic private partnership projects, entrepreneurship, business sustainability, organizational commitment and digital financial systems. He has supervised over 30 master’s students. He is currently supervising five PhD students. He has published over 25 publications. He has published many articles in referred journals and he is a reviewer of many peer refereed journals. Rogers is also an external examiner Uganda Management Institute and Mbarara University of Science and Technology
He has won many grants. He has a wide experience in grants management. Some of them include;
1n 2012, Rogers worked as a project accountant on a project titled “Seeking and Integrating Citizen’s Views in Uganda’s Petroleum Bills/Laws” with Water Governance Institute (WGI) funded by Democratic Governance Facility (DGF)
In 2014, Rogers worked as a Principal Investigator- on research titled Job resources, Employee Creativity and Performance of commercial banks in Uganda funded by Makerere University Business School.
From 2015, Rogers worked as a Project Accountant on the project titled Securing water for food (SWFF) with Water Governance Institute (WGI) that was funded by USAID
In 2016 – Principal Investigator- on research titled Leadership Styles, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment among Academic staff in Public Universities funded by Makerere University Business School.
In 2017, Rogers was co-principal investigator on a project titled, Profiling sustainable entrepreneurship among youth and women entrepreneurs. Funded by the Norwegian Agency of Development Corporation (NORAD)In 2021, he was a Principal Investigator on a project titled Intensifying Public Private Partnership Projects in Uganda funded by Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund. In the same year, he was a co-principal investigator on the following projects- all funded by Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund;
1. Strengthening business incubation practices for the sustainability of SMEs in Uganda,
2. Reskilling Refugees on sustainable agribusiness practices
3. Strengthening institutional support for female entrepreneurial business sustainability in Uganda.
PhD, Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
Master of Business Administration
Bachelor of Business Administration
Hard work pays
Stakeholder management, pubic private partnership projects, entrepreneurship, business sustainability, organizational commitment and digital financial systems.
Mwesigwa R, & Nkundabanyanga S, (2011). Consumer attitudes, trust, perceived risk and internet banking adoption in Uganda. Journal of Business and Economics, 2(5) 405-416
Turinawe D, & Mwesigwa R, (2013). Relationship between Security and Privacy, Quality of Internet Connection and Internet Banking Acceptance in Uganda: Testing for Perceived Value as a Mediator using Multiple Regression, International Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences 3(6)
Mwesigwa, R, Tumwine, S, and Atwine, E, (2013). The role of market liquidity, information efficiency on stock market performance: Empirical evidence from Uganda stock exchange, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 7(37), pp. 3781-3789
Mwesigwa R, & Namiyingo S (2014). Job resources, employee creativity and performance of commercial banks, International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, United Kingdom
Mwesigwa R., Nasiima S, and Suubi Suzan (2014). Corporate governance, Managerial Competences, Accountability and financial performance of commercial banks in Uganda, International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, United Kingdom
Arinaitwe A, and Mwesigwa R, (2015). Improving Credit Accessibility among SME’s in Uganda, Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective, Vol.4(6):22-30
Arinaitwe A, Mwesigwa R, Anyongyeire A (2016). Managerial Competencies, Ethical Climate and Performance of Health Projects in Uganda, Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614 Volume 5, No.5
Musasizi,Y., Aarakit, S., Mwesigwa, R.(2016). Expatriate Capabilities, Knowledge Transfer and Competitive Advantage of the Foreign Direct Investments in Uganda’s Service Sector, International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, Vol. IV, Issue 2
Ssekiziyivu B, Mwesigwa R Mayengo J, Nkote IN (2017) Credit allocation, risk management and loan portfolio performance of MFIs—A case of Ugandan firms, Cogent Business & Management, 4: 1374921 https://doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2017.1374921
Ssekiziyivu, B.,Mwesigwa R., Bananuka J., Namusobya Z., (2018), Corporate governance practices in microfinance institutions: Evidence from Uganda, Cogent Business and Management, Volume 5, Issue 1
Mwesigwa R., Ntayi J., Bagire V., Munene J. C., (2019), Antecedents of stakeholder management in public private partnership projects in Uganda, World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and sustainable development
Mwesigwa, R., Bagire,V., Ntayi,J. & Munene J., (2019): Contract completeness as a foundation to relationship building among stakeholders in public private partnership projects, International Journal of Public Administration
Mwesigwa R., Tusiime I. and Ssekiziyivu B., (2020), Leadership Styles, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment among Academic staff in Public Universities, Journal of management development
Orobia,L.A Tusiime,I., Mwesigwa,R., Ssekiziyivu,B. (2021) Entrepreneurial framework, conditions and business, sustainability among the youth, and women entrepreneurs, Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Mwesigwa R, Nabwami R, Mayengo J & Gonzaga B (2020) Contractual completeness as a cornerstone to stakeholder management in Public Private Partnership Projects in Uganda, Built Environment Project and Asset Management
Ssekiziyivu,B., Mwesigwa,R.,Tusiime,I. & Laura A. Orobia. (2022). Impediments of realizing sustainable youth and women entrepreneurship from a developing country perspective, World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 253–274
Ssekiziyivu, B., Mwesigwa, R., Kabahinda, E., Lakareber, S., & Nakajubi, F. (2021). Strengthening business incubation practices among startup firms. Evidence from Ugandan communities. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy.
Magoola, I. W., Mwesigwa, R., & Nabwami, R. (2021). Community and public-private partnership projects in Uganda: community engagement, trust and performance. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy.
Kabahinda, E., & Mwesigwa, R. (2022). Trust Mediates the Relationship Between Stakeholder Behavior and Stakeholder Management of Public Private Partnership Projects in Uganda. Public Organization Review, 1-19.
Mwesigwa, R., & Wanzige, I. M. -(2021). Relationship Building Among Stakeholders in Public Private Partnership Projects, Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3941-
Head of Laity, Kasaana, Church of Uganda, Coordinator Kasaana Friends Forever, Public Secretary MUBS OBS and OGS 2003-2006 Cohort, Treasurer, RUKADEROV Investments Limited.
Business Administration
strategic management
Phone: +256-774-371-250/704-884-730
Email: rmwesigwa@mubs.ac.ug